Creating a student organization
The college supports the right of individuals to organize and participate in student organizations whose purpose is in line with the mission of St. Norbert College.
The college supports the right of individuals to organize and participate in student organizations whose purpose is in line with the mission of St. Norbert College.
Organizations seeking recognition must:
Organizations are only required to go through the recognition process once, but are required to renew their recognition each fall. All organizations are also required to submit an Annual Report in the spring and engage in service. You can find all the requirements for student organizations here.
Dissolution steps
Dissolution can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary dissolution usually happens when the organization cannot maintain adequate membership, either because original needs have been met, or interest simply wanes. The organization either formally decides to disband and takes the appropriate steps to do so, or they just let their recognized status lapse. Inactivity and lack of responsive contacts is normally the indication for the Center for Student Engagement of a group that no longer exists. Involuntary dissolution is most often the result of a grave diversion from the college expectations of a recognized student organization. This usually does not occur without several attempts to rectify the challenges that have been presented. If leadership is unwilling or unable to make the changes necessary to keep their recognition, it is likely that the organization will be dissolved.
If your organization decides to dissolve, following are the steps that should be taken:
Once your organization has been dissolved, the following steps are taken in the Center for Student Engagement:
An organization may not choose to re-organize before one calendar year from their dissolution date.