St. Norbert Times


  • Without Fear or Favor, Since 1929

    The St. Norbert College Times strives to be an informative student-run newspaper that acts as a balanced and accurate source of news about St. Norbert College, as well as the world around it.

  • Tradition and Truth

    In the spirit of the Norbertine tradition and the First Amendment to the United States constitution, the Times will encourage and defend the principles of free inquiry, vigorous debate and the pursuit of truth.

  • Who We Are

    The St. Norbert Times is made up of a diverse group of students who write in a variety of sections, such as: entertainment, features, news, opinion, sports and photojournalism.

Featured Articles

Women’s Basketball Wins First Conference Game

By: Morgan Hansel

The Green Knight Women’s Basketball Team played their first conference game of the season against the Concordia Wisconsin Falcons on Thursday, Nov. 4. The game was located at R. John Buuck Field House in Mequon. The Green Knights picked up their first conference win, with a score of 54-44.

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Celebrating South Asia at St. Norbert College

By: Natalia Gladysz

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, nearing the final days of the 2024 fall semester, St. Norbert students were given the opportunity to gather in the Mulva Library and listen to students of South Asian heritage give an overview of four countries: Pakistan, Malaysia, India, and Nepal.

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St. Norbert Theater "Wonderland!" Play Review

By: Ella Vandenberg

Wednesday, Nov. 6, was the opening night for the St. Norbert College (SNC) theater department’s production of “Wonderland!,” a more modern retelling of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” written by April Beiswenger, associate professor of theater here at SNC.

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