From: Shelly Mumma
Date: September 10, 2023
Subject: Week 2 Student Organization Updates


I hope your second week of classes went well!  Here are some updates for you all.  

1.  Involvement Fair Assistance
We need 1-3 student organizations to help set up tables for the Involvement Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 12.  We'd need members to arrive at the Campus Center at 11:00 a.m. and report to John Seckel for instructions.  If your group is available and interested in this service opportunity, please email

2.  Howe Community Center Service Opportunity
I recently received an email from the Howe Community Center about a service opportunity for student organizations.  The event is October 27 from 4:00-6:00 pm and is held right on the Howe Community Campus at 526 S Monroe Ave. Participants decorate a car and pass out candy (we have extra candy). Last year, we had over 2000 participants. The link to register a car is:

3.  OrgConnect meeting
If you weren't able to attend the OrgConnect meeting last week, you can view all the pertinent documents. First, there's the recording of the Zoom call and the transcript. The recording is about an hour long.  You can also access the Slide deck used in meeting.  Here's the Student Organization Handbook.  

You are responsible for knowing the policies and procedures in the handbook. We provided as much detail as possible. Also, be sure to check out our mySNC website that’s in progress, but has a lot of resources for you.

4. Advisor Agreements  
We'll start reaching out individually to those organizations that still need their advisor to complete an advisor agreement.  

5. Involvement Fair Participation
If you've signed up for a table at the Involvement Fair, you'll be receiving a separate email about that.  

I hope you had a great weekend!